Monday, July 21, 2008


You may or may not have read that last post that briefly mentioned a website called Swurl. If you have not check it out here or simply click on this link and you will get the hang of it. 

Something else that I would like to highlight that makes Swurl even cooler and simplifies my own life is a site called switchAbit. Basically it allows you to enter the login information for Twitter, Tumblr, facebook, Wordpress, Blogger and a bunch of others into different configurations called switches. This is why there were several posts over the last week or so that were just a post title. I posted those from my Twitter client on my dashboard.

I really like the idea of this because I think that it is useful to have a presence in a bunch of different places but I do not like keeping them all up to date. So I now have my switch set to take any posts from twitter or wordpress and put them on Facebook, Blogger or Tumblr. Handy for me, useful for those of you who actually read anything about me.

When combined with Swurl, socializing and keeping track of friends running around in Web 2.0 is way easier. Let me know what you think of Swurl and I just might make that page my new destination for

new way to post

So I am back from Jamaica and I have not posted about it. Pretty much it is because of a variety of things:

  1. I am still tired from the trip since I went right back to work and then have been scheduled for things since then.

  2. I suck at posting

  3. I have a bunch of pictures and video waiting to be gone through that I would like to incorporate into this post so that it can be something besides just a bunch of text

  4. I have been distracted from fully posting here because I found a new way to post to a whole bunch of places and track a whole bunch of places at once.

On that last note, the site to track everything about me is at I think that this is a sweet tool for those of us who have profiles in a bunch of different places. Head on over there and join. It is entirely free, and you may realize that you are a member of more things that you realize. It is also a way to share different aspects of your life automatically ie your Blockbuster or Netflicks rental que, digg, tumblr etc. can be added and it all forms one giant running stream of what you are all about.

Go on over and check it out and if nothing else check up on me over there since it will be way more detailed about what I am doing that I could ever be.