Saturday, May 2, 2009

Twitterific vs TweetDeck vs Tweetie

I am going to start a series of posts that follow my own process of optimizing my online profile. Like most of you I have a whole bunch of profiles in a whole bunch of places and it can seem annoying or tedious to keep up with them all. What I have done in the past is just work on each one in spurts which yields a pretty inconsistent experience. So what I am going to do is highlight the different tools that I use to make that happen.

I am going to start off with a side by side comparison of some of the major players in the Twitter client world. I know several people who use TweetDeck and I know that Twitterific has been around forever. Tweetie is a really new entry but has gotten a lot of press so I thought I would cover it as well. There are certainly others, and if there is one that you would like compared I will give it a shot next go round.

[vimeo 4447894]

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