Thursday, August 28, 2008

Final Cut Studio 2

So I have not posted here in a while. Actually not anywhere. I have been busy. Ok not really, but I did get some video work and due to the fact that I am working on my intel based MacBook Pro my previous versions of all of my video editing software did not work anymore.

FCS2Tonight I went to the Apple store which is 2 miles from my house. Not to be picky but the one that is 10 miles away is bigger and the staff is a little more knowledgable but who am I to complain? There are lots of you out there that do not have a little slice of retail heaven near you.

Anyway, so FCS2. There was a lot of confusion amongst the employees as to which upgrade package I could use. The first guy said I could get the cheaper upgrade and then call apple care and tell them that I have all of the software that makes up the suite. The downside of that would be that if for some reason apple care could not help me out, I would be out $500 and still have to buy software because of the open software policy.

It all worked out in the end so now I am posting while this behemoth is installing. 52GB later I will have some of the best visual tools available and can make whatever I want. The downside is that 52GB takes a long time to install hence the random post for no purpose other than to pass time. More later.

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