Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quick Update

So where have I been and why haven't I been writing stuff down? I don't know honestly. I have been working alot. I have been doing all kinds of stuff with the high school boys. I have not had much down time since we got back from Jamaica and I feel like now that the school year is starting for Erin again we might stand a chance at getting back into a regular routine.

All that being said, one of the highlights of the last couple weeks was getting to see one of my oldest and dearest friends, Patrick Rice who was out here in Phoenix with his wife Amy. Erin and I had a great time hanging out with them and honestly a request of his is one of the reasons that I have not posted. 

When the Rices were here we did not have time to have them over to our house and so a request was put forth for a video tour of our house. Any of you who may be like us, working from 7-5 and then going out with either a church function or friends from 7-11pm know that it can be difficult to keep a house clean and functional, so that is a reason for the delay. I simply cannot bear the thought of how mad Erin would be if I put a video up on the internet of a messy house. Also, there has been a significant change to our house that I would like to have in the video and the dust from that even is finally settling down so you may be closer to getting that tour than you think Patrick.

In closing I would like to remind you that if you are interested in what I am looking at or doing on the internet you should check out my activity feeds in either of these places:


Swurl - Timeline

Also of note, I got a haircut. There are pictures on Flickr or on Swurl.

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